The major goal of the Social Action Model is to actively participate in the many citizen-focused programs that have previously been thoroughly discussed and deemed socially beneficial in order to bring about the desired social change. Fred Newrnann created this strategy to instruct students on how to affect public policy by fostering their environmental competence. Environmental competency entails taking steps to affect certain environmental effects.


Newmann contends that morality transcends simple human judgment or concern. Real morality is the capacity to bring about the needed social reforms, reduce systemic social injustice, foster compassion among people, and ensure that people uphold their moral duties. Typically, people begin acting morally. According to Newrnahn (1975, p. 29), “a moral actor is someone who considers what he or she needs to do in a scenario that entails probable disputes between self-interest and objectives of others or between the rights of parties in dispute,”

Some people feel powerless to change their surroundings, and as a result, they are unable to behave morally. For instance, widespread corruption is a significant social and political issue in Indian society. A single person or a small group of people finds itself unable to combat this deeply ingrained evil in Indian culture. The social action model has assumed significance and relevance as a result of such socially significant circumstances.

 Psychological Development:

A person’s environmental competence is crucial for their psychological growth as well as their ability to act as moral agents. Gaining self-confidence is essential for developing one’s ego power and capacity to deal with worry. It is a crucial component of a healthy personality.

Major components:

Developing policy objectives based on moral considerations and social policy research is the first step. Removing the ban on abortion, for instance, might be a policy objective. The inhabitants must collect support to carry out the aims they have established. This calls for expertise in campaigning, group procedures, management, and political processes. Participating in citizen action can sometimes put one in a difficult position where they must choose between opposing beliefs.

  1. Students should be encouraged to engage in open discussion about the rules and values that, for instance, guide how a school should operate while engaging in moral reflection. Universal concerns and government policies may be included as topics of thought and conversation, based on the individuals’ purpose and concerns.  According to Newmann, the major focus should be on reasonable arguments for certain substantive values in order to make moral discussions relevant and productive.
  2. Challenge the pupils to research the impact of potential outcomes of particular policies.
  3. Setting policy objectives is a prerequisite for social action but is not adequate in itself. Such goals must then be actively pursued in order for them to be achieved. One requires specific social abilities and essential understanding to realize the same. For instance, one must first be aware of how legislation is enacted in the legislative assembly or in the parliament as well as the appeals process for rulings.
  4. As a citizen activist, you could run into several problems that need to be handled. One should exhibit a decent level of flexibility to compromise in such circumstances without sacrificing fundamental principles. Any constructive criticism should be welcomed without affecting one’s dedication to the cause. One must give up certain ideals or self-interest to achieve greater policy aims.