Biological and Environmental Determinants of Personality

What is the biological approach to personality?

The underlying psychological traits that both influence and represent how a person thinks and behaves in a situation are known as their personality. Features, assets, qualities, variables, and mannerisms that set one person apart from others are known as inner personality characteristics. Personalities are likely to have an impact on a person’s commodity and retailer preferences. They also have an impact on how customers react to comprehensive communication initiatives.

A human’s personality is a set of consistent traits and situations that guide how they behave in pursuit of their goals. Every individual defends these situations in a different way. The most important and fundamental factor influencing a person’s actions is their personality. It aims to combine a person’s physical and psychological aspects in an attempt to implement them into practice. The traits and distinguishing behaviors make up a person’s personality.

Definitions of personality by psychologists

Each one defines personality in their own unique way, taking into account both innate variables and outward appearance.

  • Gordon Allport stated that,The dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment”
  • J.B Kolasa stated,Personality is a broad, amorphous designation relating to fundamental approaches of persons to others and themselves.” To most psychologists and students of behavior, this term refers to the study of the characteristic traits of an individual, relationships between these traits, and the way in which a person adjusts to other people and situations”
  • As per James D. Thompson and Donald Van Houten,Personality is a very diverse and complex psychological concept.” The word “personality” may mean something like outgoing, invigorating interpersonal abilities… But we must also recognize and explain the fact that development results in man acquiring a distinctiveness or uniqueness that gives him an identity and enables him and us to recognize him as apart from others. These distinguishing characteristics are summarized by the term ‘personality”
  • Fred Luthans defined, Personality is how people affect others and how they understand and view themselves, as well as their pattern of inner and outer measurable traits and the person’s situation interaction”

Characteristics of personality in psychology

Some of the important characteristics of personality are:

  • Body form alone does not solely determine personality. It has both dynamics and structure.
  • An individual’s personality is a whole.
  • An individual’s personality is neutral.
  • It’s not a strange phenomenon.
  • Each personality is distinctive.
  • The term “personality” refers to a person’s enduring traits. It conveys regularity and constancy.
  • Personality develops over time.
  • Social contact affects personality. It is described using behavioral words.

Environment determinants of personality

Our personalities are significantly influenced by environmental elements such as our childhood, culture, geographic region, and life events. For example, a youngster who grows up in harmony may have a more upbeat or mellow attitude towards life. A youngster reared in a stressful environment, on the other hand, may be more likely to exhibit aggressive behavior or other negative tendencies.

Environmental factors that influence human behaviour

The following are a few examples of environmental factors that may have an impact on personality traits and improvement:

  1. Culture: A group’s common values, traditional beliefs, customs, and social conventions are referred to as its culture. It is conceivably one of the most potent influences on personality traits and individuality variances. For example, anyone who was brought up in an authoritarian society could value their freedom or their achievements. Someone who had been reared in a more collectivistic culture, on the other hand, could put the needs of the collective above their own.
  1. Demography: varied demography, like culture, has a direct influence on how people behave. Individuals are related to potentially situations, challenges, civilizations, and other things according to where they belong from.
  1. Community: Communities form at the level of an area’s geography and culture. These groups often consist of local residents who have common characteristics, objectives, or passions. Surrounding settings, spirituality, and mentoring are a few examples of possible community effects. Members of a community have an effect on the community’s overall personality development. As a result, there is a significant connection between community and personality.
  1. Education: The educational background or institutions that a person attended is another contextual component that affects their personality traits. Numerous educational experiences, according to assessments, have been linked to personality changes. For example, a learner may become more conscientious if they emphasize studying and performing their assignments. A learner who is accustomed to a demanding or variable learning environment, however, may become more anxious.