Meaning of Educational Research:

Educational research describes a systematic effort to comprehend the educational process properly, usually to increase its effectiveness. It is the study of educational issues using a scientific approach.

According to J.W. Best, “educational research  is that activity which is directed towards the development of a science of behavior in educational situations.” The ultimate aim of such a science is to provide knowledge that will permit the educator to achieve his goals by the most effective methods.”

According to Lazarsfeld and Sieber, “educational research  here means the whole of the efforts carried out by the public or private bodies in order to improve educational methods and educational activity in general, whether involving scientific research at a high level or more modest experiments concerning the school system and educational methods.”

According to Monroe, “The final purpose of educational research is to ascertain principles and develop procedures in the field of education.”

It may be roughly described as any deliberate effort to comprehend anything after recognizing a complicated educational issue that goes beyond immediate self-interest and is expressed in an unhelpful way. To understand, anticipate, and manage occurrences in educational contexts, it seeks to identify basic rules or interpretations of behaviour.

Characteristics of Educational Research

While there are many different formats and methods for educational research, its process and strategy are defined by a number of factors. Among them are:

  • It aims to address a particular issue.
  • Primary and secondary research approaches are used in educational research to gather data. To draw a valid conclusion from educational research, the researcher must rely on both primary sources of information and secondary data.
  • Empirical data is used in educational research. This is a consequence of its most scientific methodology.
  • Since it analyzes reliable facts, educational research is completely objective.
  • To produce the most accurate findings possible in educational research, the researcher uses a certain methodology, intricate steps, and evaluation.
  • Insights from educational research help create ideas and concepts that offer a deeper understanding of current problems.
  • This research method mixes organized, semi-structured, and unstructured questions to get data from respondents that can be verified.

Types of Educational Research

Descriptive research, correlational research, and experimental research are the three basic categories into which educational research can be divided. These each have unique and intersecting characteristics.

  1. Descriptive research: In this kind of educational study, the researcher only aims to gather information regarding the current state of affairs. Determining the situation and quality of the study topic that is being underexplored forms the basis of descriptive research.

Descriptive research may be referred to as an observational research approach since it places a heavy focus on the “what” of the circumstance. To acquire the necessary information for descriptive educational research, the investigator uses quantitative research techniques such as surveys and questionnaires.


  • You may learn more about students’ literacy skills by using a reading programme.
  • a review of pupils’ performance in class.
  • a study to compile information on pupils’ tastes and topics of concern.
  1. Correlational research: Knowledge of the statistical link between two research variables is sought in this sort of educational research. When doing correlational research, the researcher examines two variables to find a link between them.

Research on correlations may be neutral, harmful, or meaningless. A rise in factor A causes a rise in factor B, while a rise in factor A causes a drop in variable B is known as a negative correlation.

The correlation is negligible if a change in one of the variables does not result in a subsequent change in the other. Additionally, there is no requirement for external conditioning in correlational educational research since the variables’ natural environments do not need to be changed.


  • study to ascertain the link between student conduct and academic achievement.
  • An investigation into the connection between pupils’ social abilities and their academic behavior.
  1. Experimental research: A research strategy known as experimental educational research aims to determine the cause-and-effect association between the variables in the study setting. It uses quantitative research techniques to establish the links between the variables under study and their causes and effects.

Two groups are commonly used in experimental educational research: the randomized controlled trial and the experimental class. While the control group is left in its natural condition, the researcher makes certain modifications to the experimental group, such as altering the environment or adding a stimulant.

The addition of these accelerators permits the researcher to identify the study’s causal factor(s). The creation of a premise is at the heart of experimental educational research. Therefore, the total research concept was based on statistical analysis to support or refute this hypothesis.


  • research to identify the most effective learning strategies in a classroom.
  • research to determine the impact of leisure activities on schooling.

Importance of educational research

  • Educational research is essential to increase learning in a variety of academic subjects.
  • It offers solutions to real-world educational problems by applying scientific principles.
  • Educational reformulation depends on the results of educational research, particularly applied research.
  • Educational research enhances learning, expertise, abilities, and comprehension for the researcher as well as other parties participating in this study technique.
  • Educational research enhances instructional methodologies by arming you with the knowledge to help you educate and manage more effectively and successfully.
  • Learners who use their information in practical contexts benefit from educational research.